About me

Here is Shutter Zor / Xiangtai Zuo (左祥太).

This is my personal blog, which is a branch of academicpages. I would like to share here the problems and solutions I have encountered in my own use of Stata/Python, and don’t worry, they are free. Here are some addresses where I post videos/tweets, so feel free to subscribe and hopefully it will be helpful to you.


  • Bilibili: 拿铁一定要加冰. This is my channel and I will be posting many videos about it in it.
  • WeChat: OneStata. This is my WeChat public website, and the code in the video will be placed here.

    • Or you can scan the QR code below with WeChat.

      WeChat QR code

If you have any problems using my code, don’t be afraid to send me an email anytime. My email address is in the sidebar on the left, and of course I’m highlighting my email address here: Shutter_Z@outlook.com.


Limited by my technical level, I wasn’t able to maximize the performance of this blog, so I only kept some basic features that I needed.